Vigilocity’s Mythic© - Offensive Impact Platform

Vigilocity's Mythic stands at the forefront of breach intelligence, offering a cutting-edge platform that goes beyond conventional approaches to provide a materiality of breach intelligence. Mythic's innovative technology leverages machine learning to sift through vast amounts of data, identifying and prioritizing confirmed security breaches based on their material impact.

The platform's robust capabilities not only detect breaches but also offer valuable insights into the material impact of these incidents, empowering security, audit, and regulatory teams to make informed decisions and respond swiftly.

Reverse Attack Surface Analysis (RASA)

Mythic employs “Reverse Attack Surface Analysis”, or RASA, Vigilocity’s proprietary methodology, empowering security, intelligence, and risk professionals to identify emerging events, active and impending malicious cyber campaigns, and predict future outcomes with a high degree of accuracy.

The premise of the RASA methodology is quite simple: “If an adversary were to attack us, what infrastructure vulnerability would they attempt to exploit and from where and when would that exploitation originate?”

Empirical Breach Intelligence

Vigilocity's Mythic delivers empirical breach intelligence through the systematic collection, analysis, and verification of concrete evidence indicating a material breach in security. In the context of cybersecurity, a material breach signifies a significant and confirmed harmful incident that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of sensitive information or systems.

Empirical breach intelligence plays a crucial role in enhancing an organization's cybersecurity posture by enabling prompt and effective responses to security incidents. This evidence-based approach is essential for making informed decisions in the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats.

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